Жіноча академія репортерок об’єднує жінок-журналісток і представниць медіасектору зі Східної Європи та Кавказу. Ця програма обміну та розвитку потенціалу здійснюється неурядовими організаціями зі Східної Європи, Кавказу та Німеччини. Академія спрямована на розвиток і становлення плюралізму та демократії, а також на посилення ролі журналісток як критичних голосів у суспільствах, що трансформуються.
The Women Reporters Academy combines different methods and formats: international conferences (online and presence), intensive training workshops in the regions and a publication challenge followed by study trips to Berlin for the winners.

The 2023 Women Reporters Academy develops two different programmes in Poland/Ukraine and Georgia.

Нагороджені публікації 2023



Female journalists living in Georgia were invited to join the 2023 Women Reporters Academy GEORGIA. The focus of the 2023 programme lied on conflict reporting in the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.
In addition to these general challenges, women reporters are confronted with problems such as unequal payment or lack of representation among decision-makers (e.g. in big publishing houses). Structural discrimination of female journalists is the consequence.
These and other topics will be addressed during the following series of events:


Ukrainian journalists and media workers are invited to join our workshops in Poland. The 2023 programme aims at highlighting challenges and difficulties that Ukrainian journalists and media workers face when reporting about and from Ukraine. It will offer them a safe space to exchange their experience and get inspiring input from international experts. The programme combines capacity-building of journalistic skills with forward-looking discussions about Ukrainian post-war legacies, gender justice reporting and Ukraine’s role in Europe.
These topics will be addressed during the following events:



Galina Petriashvili

Journalist and gender expert. Galina is a president and co-founder of the journalists’ association “GenderMediaCaucasus”. Gala is the regional project manager for Georgia.

Ольга Гуліна

Legal and migration expert. She holds a PhD in Law (2002) and PhD in Migration Studies (2010). Her field of expertise included migration management in Eastern und West Europe. Olga is the program leader.

Мехтхільд Бауманн

Political scientist and head of IfAP e.V. She coordinates the Women Reporters Academy.

Івона Райнхардт

PhD in political science and is a deputy editor-in-chief of New Eastern Europe Magazine, neweasterneurope.eu. Twitter [at]iwonareichardt. She is the Regional Project Manager in Poland of the Women Reporters´ Academy.

Олександра Степанова

Виконавча директорка громадської організації “Платформа прав людини”. Олександра відповідальна за реалізацію програми “Жіноча академія репортерок” в Україні.

Арзу Буньяд

Arzu is an Editorial Assistant and translator with New Eastern Europe magazine. She holds a BA degree in international relations from Hacettepe University, Turkey. Arzu fluently speaks Azerbaijani, Turkish and English.

Олександра Савчук

Oleksandra is an assistant working at the Human Rights Platform in Kyiv. She graduated from the Kyiv University of Law at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and obtained the qualification level Bachelor of Law.

Ekaterina Vadachkoria

Ekaterina is an economist by profession, and works in a number of projects of the GenderMediaCaucasus Association of Journalists.

Previous Projects

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Лабораторії міграції медіа
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