Women Reporters Academy GEORGIA

Female journalists living in Georgia were invited to join the 2023 Women Reporters Academy GEORGIA. The focus of the 2023 programme lied on conflict reporting in the Caucasus and Eastern Europe.

Aim was to shed light on the challenges arising when reporting about territorial or ethnic conflicts. The difficulty may lie in presenting a controversial topic in a nuanced and balanced way, when one has a clear position oneself. The difficulty may also lie in addressing critical issues publicly that do not follow the official argumentation on the subject.

Our Programs

Overview of the Women Reporters Academy Georgia

Online Conference

20 – 24 JUNE 2023

Women Journalism in Times of War and Conflict

Our online programme combines webinars under diverse thematical issues related to conflict reporting. It offers participants a safe space to exchange their experience and get inspiring input from international experts.

Thematical issues for our webinars

Workshops in Georgia

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The Women Reporters Academy is organised by

The journalists’ association GenderMediaCaucasus is a Georgian non-governmental organisation that brings together journalists from the Caucasus region, with a special emphasis on women journalists.

IFAP is a German non-profit organisation. It organises exchange and capacity-building, and conducts studies on current political developments.

Our Team


Galina Petriashvili

Journalist and gender expert. Galina is a president and co-founder of the journalists’ association “GenderMediaCaucasus”. Gala is the regional project manager for Georgia.

Dr. Olga Gulina

Legal and migration expert. She holds a PhD in Law (2002) and PhD in Migration Studies (2010). Her field of expertise included migration management in Eastern und West Europe. Olga is the program leader.

Dr. Mechthild Baumann

Political scientist and head of IfAP e.V. She coordinates the Women Reporters Academy.

Ekaterina Vadachkoria

Ekaterina is an economist by profession, and works in a number of projects of the GenderMediaCaucasus Association of Journalists.


It starts with the online conference on 20 June 2023 and ends in December 2023.
Participants are not obliged to take part in all modules. However, the participation in the publication competition requires the prior participation in either the online conference (programme in Georgia) or one of the regional workshops.
This programme has a sensitive determined gender focus and, therefore, we only accept applications from female media specialists and workers. Thank you for your understanding and interest in it.
Applications are open to all female media specialists, i.e. reporters, editors, photo-journalists, bloggers, regardless of their affiliation and online/printing formats and regardless of the level of seniority.
The programme is financed by the German Foreign Ministry.

The complete online application. Please follow the link.

Please do NOT submit your publications, only links to them.

Through personal exchange, seminars, networking events and discussions with experts and your peers, you will further your understanding of modern journalism, its challenges, the news industry and your place in it.
The programme is free of charge. However, there is a ceiling for travel costs. In addition, participation in the programme requires confirmation by the organisers.
The study trip and vernissage to Berlin are reserved for the winners of the 2023 Women Reporters Academy’s publication competition.
We have an international jury composed of international, independent experts working in the field. Based on predefined criteria (LINK) they rank the best contributions to the 2023 Women Reporters Academy’s publication competition.